The research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way. You will need to determine the nature of the enquiry, for example exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory/causal. Identify the following:
Deciding on the research design to deliver the evidence is an important requirement. The design could be experimental (RCT’s), cross-sectional, longitudinal or a case study. You will then need to choose the appropriate methods. Qualitative/quantitative or mixed methods? Once a method has been chosen you will need to decide on your method techniques and sampling method. Conduct your research and think about dissemination (article, report or public update).
Things to consider whilst designing your study:
- Before set up- identify relevant patient cohort, understand existing volumes whom meet eligibility criteria to estimate recruitment numbers and times
- Understanding the existing referral and clinical care pathways and identify any potential changes during research delivery that will lead to additional time and cost
- Engaging service managers, administrative and clinical staff before, during (e.g. updates on recruitment, success etc) and AFTER study
Process of Study Design

Quantitative Designs

Example of Experimental Design
- Associated with natural sciences
- To examine in isolation the impact of
- one variable (independent, explanatory)
- on another (dependent)
- Effects of other variables removed/controlled
- Used to measure cause – effect
- Classic experimental quantitative design
- Randomly allocate subjects to the experimental and control groups (Random Control Trials)
- Before test
- Apply treatment /run experiment
- Measure the effects / post-test
- Questions:
- Control outside of the laboratory setting?
- Ability to eliminate other variables?
- Simplicity vs. complexity?
- Costs?
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